Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Welcome to our new blog.

Dear friends,

We have finally set up a blog for our partners and friends. We welcome your comments, prayer requests, and anything else you would like to let us know about. We are getting ready to head off to Israel to be part of the GOD TV tour in Jerusalem. I believe that it will be broadcast on GOD TV next week. (www.GOD.tv). We are very excited to be going to Israel for the 60th Anniversary celebration.

Don't forget May 16 - 18, 2008 we are having a Worship/Healing/Prophetic Conference at The Carpenter's House in Fontana, CA (www.thecarpentershouse.org). You can find out more details on our website at www.mauricesklar.com and click on Itinerary. It will be a great time of worship and the Word.

Also May 31st and June 1st, we will be at Rock of Faith Church in Ontario, CA for more revival meetings.

Blessings to you all and please pray for us during our travels to the Holy Land!


Maurice and Devorah



Azaniah said...

Brother Skalar
I first heard you play at Pastor Formora's church in Minneapolis Minnesota. I was a "baby" Christian at that time and about to be ushed into the wilderness. Well, now the Lord is bringing me out, and I have just completed a Christian novel There is a Purpose For Your Pain.
Your Music is aligned with the seed that the Lord has deposited in me these past 11 years. When I listen to your music, The Lord ministered greatly about the care we should take in the deposit that we place in our spirits "dressed up as music" There is a huge prophetic anointing on every note that you play and I am deeply grateful for your allowing the Lord to complete the work in you so that you could produce such dynamic music! There is no compromise in your music...Thank you! How could I assist in bringing yoiu to area churches in Washington? Please let me know! Yours Sister Azaniah

Anonymous said...

It was great to see a story about you in Breaking Christian News. I was in a Gabriel Heymans campmeeting several years ago and your music then could take me into the heavenlies. Listening to your music while navigating your website was so awesome. It still has the anointing on it. I will continue to come back to your site, if for nothing else, but to listen to your music. It's good to know you are still being used of God in a mighty way.
Diana in SC

PhilipAmos3.7 said...

Dear Brother Sklar,

Thank you so much for sharing that vision. I can't believe I am the first one to comment on it. Perhaps the whole "blog" process is daunting for some people?

Anyway, This is incredible news. You have been entrusted with MUCH!!!

I am eagerly waiting to hear "The Message" William Branham was given. May the Lord guide you and help you discern and sort out what parts of it are from God and what was distorted.

Your teachings have blessed me. I check your web site often to see if there are more. Also I have ordered "Hebrew Melodies" and am looking forward to hearing them.

The body of Christ needs you Maurice. May the Lord arm you with His strength and put a wall of fire around you and protect you and your family. I will pray for you.

Please continue to share what the Lord allows.


John Shacklett said...

There are many Watchmen on the web who are warning of the things Brother Maurice warns us about, yet very few who exhort and encourage us in prayer as he does. I believe he has truly heard from the Lord!